0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
marine surveyor
Anda ingin bisa menghitung berapa jumlah suatu muatan kapal?

Kami akan memberikan kepada anda sebuah program perhitungan muatan kapal dengan cara pembacaan draft mark kapal saja, istilahnya Draft Survey.
Program ini bisa digunakan untuk menghitung muatan di kapal kargo maupun di kapal tongkang atau barge.

Software ini dapat digunakan untuk menghitung semua jenis muatan kapal seperti Batubara, pasir, semen, biji besi, nikel dan lain sebagainya.

Kami juga akan memberikan banyak bonus-bonus berharga kepada anda yang membeli Draft Survey Software ini.

<<<< (gambar tampilan program)

Tunggu apalagi segera miliki software canggih ini Draft Survey Software hanya dengan Rp. 285,000,- saja
diskon khusus bagi anda untuk pemesanan hari ini

Jika anda berminat mendapatkan Draft Survey Software ini bisa menghubungi saya di nomor kontak dibawah ini:

Ruly Abdillah Ginting,
Griya Batuaji Asri Blok X No. 19 - Batam
Email : marine.surveyor.indonesia@gmail.com
Handphone: 08127015790
Yahoo Msg: Chat With Us
Pembayaran bisa dilakukan dengan mentransfer uang ke rekening dibawah ini:
Hanya Rp. 285.000 Saja
Silahkan Lakukan Pembayaran Ke Rekening Dibawah Ini
BCA Cabang Nagoya - Batam
No Rekening : 3403431059
Bank Mandiri Cabang Batam Industrial Park
No Rekening : 1090009967308
Bank BNI Cabang Sei Panas - Batam
No Rekening : 0214822882
Bank Syariah Mandiri - Batam
No Rekening : 7006478144
terima kasih atas kepercayaan anda berbisnis dengan kami, software pesanan anda akan segera kami kirimkan ke alamat email anda.
Jika anda berminat kami menawarkan paket bundling pembelian program perhitungan minyak ini dan Program Draft Survey Software hanya dengan
Rp. 500,000,-

Cara Akurat Menghitung Draft Survey Kapal

Bagaimana cara  Akurat Menghitung Draft Survey Kapal ?
Berikut ini ada beberapa Cara Akurat untuk Menghitung Draft Survey Kapal dengan program perhitungan muatan kapal Draftsurveysoftware.com, tentunya cara-cara menghitung muatan kapal dengan cara Draft Survey ini sudah sesuai dengan aturan baku yang dipakai dunia internasional seperti United Nation atau badan PBB Dunia, yaitu Code of Uniform Standards and Procedures for the Performance Draught Surveys of Coal Cargoes – UN ECE.

In draught survey operation several parties are involved and it is to advantage of each party to join the efforts to increase the accuracy. The parties involved are The buyers, the sellers, the charterers, the terminals and vessel’s staff.
Assuming that buyers, sellers and charterers are equally concerned about the correct weight of cargo, also the master (respectively chief officer to whom the responsibility of cargo weight is delegated) shortages and discrepancy may be a problem.
In order to avoid this, it is strongly recommended that, once a vessel is nominated, a telex be sent to the master informing that the bill of lading weight will be established by draught survey. This, in order to indicate that his vessel is to meet certain requirements at the time of arrival at load/disport.
The weight of cargo will be determined by draft survey, consequently:
1. Vessel shall arrive at the loading (or unloading) port with a trim not exceeding her ballast tank trim correction tables and without list (in any case the list must not exceed ½ degrees).
2. Vessel shall furnish the following documents which are approved otherwise suitably verified as being applicable to the ship:
(a) Hydrostatic tables (or curves)
(b) Trim and stability booklet
(c) Calibration, tables for all tanks – ballast, bunker, freshwater, slops, etc., with correction for trim
(d) General arrangement plan
(e) Load line certificate
(f) Record of the ship’s constant
3. The draft marks, forward, aft, and amidships, the deck line, and the plimsoll marks, all port and starboard shall be clearly legible and cut in, raised or marked with weld bead on the shell plating.
4. Vessel shall no take, pump out, or switch from one tank to another, ballast, freshwater or bunkers while draught survey is carried out.
5. It should be avoided having ballast in one of the holds. Otherwise loading operation not to be started before hold is pump out completely.
6. Unless properly calibrated, the ballast tank should, or be mad empty, before survey starts. (this individually per tank). Sounding pipe must be intact, free of blockage and readily accessible.
7. Loading/unloading operation should not start until the draft readings and density readings have been completed. Tank sounding shall be made immediately thereafter. The condition of ship or the availability of ship’s personnel should not interfere with or delay the timely completion of this operation.
8. Notice of readiness will be accepted only when the vessel is ready for a draught survey and complies with the above mentioned points and no other condition may exist on board which will interfere with a timely and accurate draft survey.
9. Officer and crew are requested to offer the surveyor their fullest cooperation in the performance of his duties.
Source : Code of Uniform Standards and Procedures for the Performance Draught Surveys of Coal Cargoes – UN ECE

Demikian  aturan badan PBB Dunia, yaitu Code of Uniform Standards and Procedures for the Performance Draught Surveys of Coal Cargoes – UN ECE. yang mengatur tentang Cara Akurat Menghitung Draft Survey Kapal

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